Janice Pollard, Licensed Esthetician
I offer more for your money!
Skin Classic is a non-invasive technology that dehydrates the top layer of skin irregularities, allowing new, healthy skin to glow! It's an affordable treatment for various concerns like broken capillaries, hyperpigmentation, skin tags, milia, acne, cholesterol deposits, cherry angiomas, sebaceous hyperplasia, seborrheic keratosis and more.
The treatments are quick, precise, and effective. Recovery depends on your personal healing time, but 7-14 days is normal. Only the affected area is treated so it causes no damage to healthy skin. Skin imperfections are priced per a spot or area. To see how the treatment works, view the video below. Scroll down to see examples of skin issues that may be treated.
This video shows the treatment in action. Multiple skin issues are treated here and shows exactly what the client will experience. Numbing can be provided as necessary.
Cherry Angiomas are small clusters of capillaries at the surface of the skin that form a small round dome. The color typically ranges from bright red to purple.
Sebaceous Hyperplasia is a harmless, benign bump on the dermis, that forms from over-productive oil glands. Once an oil gland is damaged, it can become enlarged and clogged. They usually have a white or yellowish rim and a depressed center.
A milium is a small, white bump usually appearing on the nose and cheeks. Milium cysts are commonly found in groups, and in these cases are called milia. The cysts occur when keratin becomes trapped beneath the surface of the skin.
Cholesterol deposits, or Xanthomas, are skin growths that result from a buildup of cholesterol. This is a harmless yellow bump on or near your eyelid skin.
A seborrheic keratosis is a benign skin lession seen more often as people age. These lesions can be slightly elavated and have a waxy or scaly appearance like a scab from a wound. They can appear round of oval, ranging from very small to more than one inch in size. These growths can appear in various colors, ranging from light tan to black.
Brown Spots, or Lentigo, are small pigmented spots that occur on the skin and have a clearly defined edge, surrounded by skin that appears normal. They occur in sun exposed areas.
Broken capillaries are small dilated blood vessels near the surface of the skin. They can be caused by environmental damage such as sun or cold exposure. Trauma to the skin such a contusions, rosacea and surgical procedures can also be a factor.
A skin tag is a small benign tumor that primarily forms in areas where the skin creases, such as the neck, armpit, and groin. These are harmless and typically painless and the surface can range from smooth to rough.
Cystic Acne is a common skin disease, characterized by areas of the skin with blackheads, whiteheads, papule, pimples, and cysts. Acne develops from blockages in the hair follicles. Hormones and genetics play a huge role in breakouts as well.
Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN), also known as Fibromas, are often mistaken for skin tags, moles or blackheads. People from African or Asian bloodlines are the ethnic groups most often inflicted with this skin irregularity.